Relationship Rescue can only work with clients within scheduled therapy sessions. We are not able to provide an after-hours or immediate-response/crisis service. We are unable to provide counselling services via email or text message.
If you feel that you or someone else is at risk of harm you should:
- Call Emergency Services (dial 111), or
- Go to your nearest Hospital Emergency Department, or
- Call one of the support service numbers such as:
- Lifeline 0800 543 354 or 09 522 299
- Suicide Prevention Helpline 0508 828865
- Samaritans 0800 726 666
- HELP Auckland (specialist sexual abuse support service) (09) 623 1700
- Rape Crisis 0800 88 33 00
- Free call or Text 1737 (any time) to speak to a counsellor; or
- Call your local DHB Mental Health Crisis team (CATT Team) on the following phone numbers:
- Auckland City: 0800 800 717
- Counties Manukau: (09) 261 3700
- Waitemata: (09) 486 8900
A full list of Crisis Team telephone numbers nationwide is available here.